Thursday, October 29, 2009

Obama's Health Care Plan & Abortion

The folks at the White House -- all those czars, and mini-czars, and czar wannabes, including the president himself -- have been less than forthcoming on whether abortion will be included in the Democrats' planned future health care program. (I label it the Democrats' program because right now it looks as if it will have no Republican support.) The president has made oblique comments that really don't address the issue and certainly don't answer the key question. At one point he stated that there was a tradition in Washington of not paying for abortion. But what exactly does that mean? Will he break with that tradition as his supporters so fervently believe? My guess -- and it's really more than a guess -- is that he will. Barack Obama has always supported abortion, and done so zealously.

Most of the so-called pro-choice people I encounter seem to know that abortion is morally wrong, or at best morally questionable. Even most politicians whose voting records have consistently supported abortion usually claim that, although they are personally against abortion, they cannot in good conscience deny a woman the right to choose. I know one thing for certain: I have never heard any politician openly declare in these or similar words, "I'm all for abortion. That's why I vote as I do. Abortions are good for America."

This is why the entire abortion debate is couched in all that euphemistic terminology. Pro-abortion becomes pro-choice. Unborn babies are fetuses or embryos. Abortion itself becomes pregnancy termination. A little anxiety over a possible lifestyle change becomes a serious threat to the psychological and physical health of the woman. And there are so many more...all designed to ease the consciences of those who flat-out know abortion is the willful killing of an innocent human being, an inherently evil act.

But unlike all these other "pro-choice" folks, President Obama has never, to my knowledge, even hinted that abortion is wrong. He has been a constant and fervent supporter, so I can only assume that he would never sign a government health care plan that did not include funding for abortion.

I really don't understand this. Indeed, I can't understand how any black American could possibly support abortion; and yet many seem to do just that. Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, has purposely placed its "clinics" in inner city neighborhoods and pushed its services among minority women. The result, one of the more lopsided demographic statistics, is that black American women, who represent 13% of our nation's female population, receive over 40% of the abortions performed. This, of course, is exactly what Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, envisioned and hoped for. Back in 1939, she initially called her plan the "Negro Project." Its goal was to "restrict" the population of black Americans whom she, like all eugenicists, considered inferior.

If you would like to read more about Margaret Sanger's real beliefs about race and population control, click here. I also recommend checking out the website of the National Black Pro-Life Union and read what they have to say about our president and Margaret Sanger's "Negro Project."

For any black American, much less the president of the United States, to support abortion is tantamount to genocidal suicide; and yet, so many do. As I said, I don't understand it. And when I read candidate Barack Obama's speech before a Planned Parenthood audience in July 2007, I am further amazed.

Oh, and just in case you want to read the current House health care bill, ala Nancy Pelosi, you can go here and breeze through all 1,900 pages. I especially like the brief, one-sentence description of the bill: "To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes." It's the "for other purposes" that intrigues me.

Pray for our nation...and ask for God's mercy.


  1. Have you watched the film- Maafa21? it exposes the racist agenda of abortion like nothing I have ever seen before. It is stunning and a short clip can be viewed here:

  2. I appreciate the link. I've seen the clip before, but had forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder.
