Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's In the Air

Every once in a while I write about the current and coming persecution of the Church. I'm always amazed at the responses I receive from some folks who simply can't believe that such a thing could happen in today's enlightened world. A few months ago one reader (a Catholic priest) sent me a long and really rather unfriendly email. He was livid that I had labeled 21st century liberalism a form of unconscious suicide. Others have been equally critical because I have expressed even mild support for Israel in its struggle for existence against a host of enemies who want nothing less than its total annihilation. Indeed, I hesitate to mention Israel in the presence of some of my acquaintances because their response is so visceral and so negative that any sort of reasoned argument becomes impossible.

I often receive similar responses from those who fall in the pro-choice camp whenever I write or speak out against the plague of abortion. And when I describe abortion as a symptom of something far greater and far more evil they can become almost apoplectic, unable even to respond to my apparent absurdities.

Another issue I have been addressing lately among some of my friends is what I see as a link between the supporters of abortion and those who believe "climate change" is largely the result of human activity. This has led some to slap a permanent "conspiracy theorist" label on me. But then, this morning, I read that the Chinese delegation to the UN Conference on Climate in Copenhagen has stated that the cause of all this global warming is overpopulation. The world should, therefore, adopt China's "one-child" policy. According to the AsiaNews article:

China defended its family planning policy as a way to reduce global warming. According to Beijing, its one-child and birth control policies, which include forced abortions and sterilizations on unwilling women, are part of its global strategy to fight climate problems and should be adopted by the international community.

In spite of the gross violation of human rights, the strategy has been a “great success” according to Chinese authorities. “I'm not saying that what we have done is 100 per cent right, but I'm sure we are going in the right direction," said Zhao Baige, vice-minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China.

This suggestion by China to the world community was preceded last week by an editorial in Canada's leading newspaper encouraging pretty much the same thing. Diane Francis, columnist for the National Post and the Financial Post wrote that, "The 'inconvenient truth' overhanging the UN's Copenhagen conference is not that the climate is warming or cooling, but that humans are overpopulating the world. A planetary law, such as China's one-child policy, is the only way to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days." Click here to read Francis' column.

And so, in my conspiratorial mind, the connections among abortion "rights" activists, population control supporters, and the Al-Gore-worshiping climate control fanatics is real and will only strengthen as each group grasps the potential of this developing symbiotic relationship. The pressure on governments to conform to these new realities will increase: only abortion can save the world from the catastrophic consequences of a global warming driven by overpopulation. And then we can expect continued and escalating attacks on the Catholic Church for its intransigent attitude toward abortion, contraception and euthanasia. I expect it will get very nasty. One of the more interesting dramas that will soon play out will be the conflict faced by those Catholics, both laypeople and clerics, who have been drinking the global warming cool-aid. On which side will they ultimately fall?

An interesting world we live in. Strange things are in the air...pray for us. God's peace.

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