Saturday, January 2, 2010

Texas Bowl Revisited

Well, that little post of mine on the Texas Bowl (Navy vs. Missouri) certainly generated a whole mess of attention to an extent that I'm not at all accustomed. Usually about 30-60 people read this blog, and most of them are other Catholic deacons or personal friends. In the past 24 hours over 1,000 people have checked it out, and virtually all of them were interested only in my comments on Navy and Missouri. It would seem I'd get a lot more attention if I wrote about football instead of religion and culture, but I suspect I'd run out of thngs to say after five or ten minutes.

Anyway, to all the Missouri fans who made comments, I thank you for straightening me out on the communication problem that led to the unintentional "battle of the bands" that occurred immediately after the game. Once it was explained that the TV network was the instigating culprit, I understood completely. Media folks tend to fall off the bottom of my list of favorite people. They're right down there with Washington politicians. (I suggest we all pray for them.) I assumed the worst because of some of the problems Navy teams have had with opponents' fans in recent years, although not with either players or bands. Last year's game against Rutgers comes to mind. But I should have known that the Mizzou players and band wouldn't intentionally act so disgracefully.

And so, assuming the information I have received via the comments to my earlier blog is correct, I apologize and trust that Navy will have an opportunity to beat Missouri once again soon.

Blessings for the New Year and Beat Army!


  1. Thank you so much for understanding and reposting as necessary. As a Marching Mizzou member, a lifetime Tiger fan AND a girl who loves and honors her cousins and friends in the military, I couldn't be happier that someone is willing to listen to the story of what actually happened. Makes me have more faith in bloggers and people on the Internet in general. Now, if the hateful, unfortunate people commenting on the Houston Chronicle site would just listen...

  2. No problem. If I make a mistake and someone provides what seems to be a reasonable correction, I will admit it. Now I think it's time to cut off the comments on this issue. Most folks continuing to comment are just fans of other teams who seem to harbor an irrational dislike for the University of Missouri.

    Cool it, guys and gals. God's peace...
