Friday, January 7, 2011

Egyptian Muslims Shield Christians from Terror

So often, it seems, when Christians are attacked or persecuted in Muslim countries, the majority of Muslims say little or nothing in their defense. But things are very different this week in Egypt. As you have no doubt heard, Islamist extremists bombed a Coptic church on Christmas Eve killing 21 people. Muslims in Egypt have apparently decided they have had enough of the terrorists who kill in the name of their religion. A number of very prominent Egyptian Muslims have not only condemned the attacks against Christians, but have also called on Muslims to act as human shields outside Christian churches during religious services.

One of the key people involved in this initiative, Egyptian journalist Ekram Youssef, stated that "It is time to change and is time for Egyptian citizens to act to revive the true meaning of national unity." Although many Muslims have joined the effort and stood alongside Christians at last night's Masses celebrating the Coptic Christmas, their reasons for doing so vary. Some see acts of terror against Christians as a major threat to national unity. Some are acting to express solidarity with their Christian neighbors. For others it is more personal since they knew one or more of those killed in the bombing. Youssef, in explaining her own presence, stated, “We all have Christians as part of our family. I am a Muslim but I’m sure my great grandfather was a Christian.”

Those involved include the famous and the not-so-famous. Several popular movie actors and entertainers have joined with a number of Muslim preachers as well as President Hosni Mubarak's two sons. In addition to these Egyptian celebrities, thousands of their countryman are taking part. As one Muslim student stated, "This is not about us and them. We are one. This was an attack on Egypt as a whole, and I am standing with the Copts because the only way things will change in this country is if we come together.” He acted on his words by attending mass at Virgin Mary Church on Maraashly.

Perhaps the example of these courageous people, both Muslim and Christian, will be recognized in other nations and inspire the same kind of solidarity. It's certainly something to pray for.

To read more, click here: Egypt's Muslims Serve as Human Shields.

God's peace.

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