Friday, February 4, 2011

Photo Contest

Today I entered the annual photo contest sponsored by The Villages Media Group here in The Villages, our large retirement community -- really a community of communities -- in central Florida. I entered the contest for the first time last year and one of my photos took a 2nd place and another got what I'll call an "honorable mention." This wasn't too bad a showing, if you'll pardon a wee bit of pride, since about 2,000 photos are submitted. It seems that among the 80,000 or so people now living here, most with a lot of time on their hands, quite a few are snapping away at all kinds of interesting subjects and scenes.

My problem this year is the same I faced last year, one of selection. The contest has a number of categories -- landscape, sunrise/sunset, animals, architecture, flowers, food, etc. -- and one is allowed to enter only one photo per category. This year I submitted five photos, but had a very difficult time choosing which photos to submit. I tried to resist selecting photos I personally liked, because they tend to be a little on the "arty" side. Looking at last year's winners it would seem the judges chose well composed photos of interesting subjects -- nothing very odd -- and I have a lot of very odd photos. And so selection is always a painful process. But, fortunately, this time I asked Diane to help me choose. I placed three or four 8x10s on the table in front of her and asked which one I should enter in, for example, the architecture category. In each instance her choice was the same as mine. But now, if I don't win, I can always blame her. Ain't marriage great?

The winners will be announced later this month and published in a separate, dedicated section of our local newspaper, The Villages Daily Sun. I will let you know how I do...if I win. If you hear nothing from me, you'll know that Diane chose the wrong photos.

I've included below my second place photo in last year's contest, as well as the photo that received an "honorable mention."

2nd prize, 2010 potpouri category: Balcony in the Borgo district of Rome

Honorable mention, 2010 architecture category: Duomo in Orveito, Italy
Wish me luck...

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