Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Proposed Holy Year for Nuns

St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association, a Irish lay movement that promotes the continued use of the Latin Liturgy, has made an interesting proposal. In light of the recent (2009-2010) Year for Priests celebrated in Rome and throughout the world, the association suggests that the Holy Father dedicate a similar Holy Year for Nuns. It sounds like a great idea, one that might well lead to more women accepting the religious vocation God has planned for them. Here's what the association placed on their website:
Following the Holy Year for Priests, it is surely time to pray for consecrated women. Therefore, dear reader, we urge you to ask Ecclesiastical Authorities to dedicate a special year to give thanks to God for Nuns and to pray for Nuns and for more Nuns. What better way to do honour to St. Brigid?

Please proclaim an Holy Year for Nuns!

Ora pro populo, interveni pro clero, intercede pro devoto femineo sexu! [Pray for the people, plead for the clergy, intercede for devoted women.]
Pray for all priests, and all consecrated men and women...and don't forget us deacons.

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