Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On the Road

I haven't posted anything recently because we've been on the road, slowly making our way up the Mississippi en route to Charles City, Iowa where we will attend the wedding of the son of dear friends. It's been a wonderful trip so far and has included stops at Niceville and Pensacola in Florida, as well as Natchez in Mississippi, and then Memphis.

Today we arrived at Hannibal, Missouri, Samuel Clemens' home town, and took a boat ride on the Mississippi aboard the Mark Twain, a replica of an old riverboat. The day was beautiful, clear and sunny but, for a welcome change, not hot -- a perfect day for a spin on Ol' Man River...and what a river it is! The weather has actually been fine for most of the trip, marred only by a few brief thunderstorms that washed the road dust off the car.

We've been avoiding the Interstates, driving instead on those far more interesting rural "blue highways". It might add an hour to a 300-mile drive, but it's worth every minute of it. One gets to enjoy the country up close and personal and see people and things not visible from the Interstate at 70 mph. We especially enjoyed our drive through Mississippi, a state of amazing contrasts, from Biloxi's glitzy casinos to the antebellum mansions of Natchez to the rural poverty of the small farms. You just can't experience all that from I-whatever.

I've been taking lots of photos but I forgot to take the little iPad camera connection kit with me so I'm unable to download photos to my trusty iPad. I'll post a few after we return. If I have the time I may actually post more in a day or two.

Blessings from the heartland...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Hannibal, Missouri

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