Monday, November 5, 2012


"As Catholics we are called to be engaged in the public discourse, to be involved in the political process, and to exercise our obligation to vote in this very important election." - Bishop John Noonan, Diocese of Orlando

Bishop Noonan also appeared in the following 30-second commercial urging voters to consider the critical issues of life and religious freedom as they cast their ballots. I've included it below.

 The bishops of Florida also released the following statement regarding tomorrow's election. I urge you to read it.

The Church affirms that every Catholic is called to prayerful, active, and responsible participation in the political process. We urge all Catholics who are eligible, to register and vote. For those who are ineligible to vote, especially our youth, we suggest that they pray, study, and offer insights during the election process.

In preparation for the November 6 election, certain actions are necessary to properly form our consciences: (1) Study - consult and become familiar with the teachings of the Church and seek accurate information on issues that impact human life and shape our culture; (2) Discuss - actively participate in thoughtful and respectful conversations with family, fellow parishioners and others; (3) Pray - seek wisdom and guidance through prayer and reflection; then (4) Vote - prayerfully and thoughtfully choose by casting our ballots; and (5) Continue to pray during the elections.

From a moral perspective, all issues are not of equal importance or urgency. Some are more fundamental and deal with matters of intrinsic evil, such as abortion and euthanasia, which must always be rejected or opposed and must never be supported or condoned. Let us share our values with a strong voice and use our votes to shape a society that will defend human life, promote human dignity, preserve traditional marriage and the family, and protect religious freedom. As followers of Christ, we are called to build a more just and peaceful world and care for the weak and defenseless. The Gospel command for us to not forget the least of our brethren is central to our rich and God-given faith.

To assist with choices in the voting booth, we invite you to view the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops Candidate Questionnaire Project, which asks candidates “where they stand” on important issues that may come before them as elected officials. In addition to candidates, several proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution will appear on the November 6 ballot. We have issued statements in support of Amendment 6 (Abortion Funding) and Amendment 8 (Religious Liberty) and urge you to vote yes for the passage of both. Candidates’ responses to the questionnaire and statements on the amendments may be viewed at Copies are also available through local parishes.

Each of us has an important role, and our collective efforts can strengthen our nation and renew our Church. Study, discuss, pray, and then vote with an informed conscience on November 6!

In humility, we seek God’s love and blessings on our cherished state and country.
This is a crucial election, perhaps the most important in our lifetime. Please exercise your right to vote.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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