Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hidden Headlines

64% of Men Want Women to Pay Half on Dates. Just further proof of the feminization of the American male. What a pack of wimps!

Miley Cyrus "Grows Up" on MTV. One wag actually wrote that young Ms. Cyrus was simply out to prove to the world that she is no longer a little girl, but is now a woman. If her performance is indicative of our culture's understanding of what it means to be a woman, it's no wonder men want women to buy dinner. If you haven't seen a clip of her performance at the MTV awards, don't bother looking for it. It's just pornographically embarrassing.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Pro-Life. Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, stated that her uncle was definitely pro-life. In her words:

“It’s not so much about labels — liberal, conservative and all of that. But he was someone who lived and gave his life to help all humanity. And so that definitely would include conception until natural death. And he would want everyone to be able to live — to have food, to have somewhere to sleep, and to have a job. You know, all of those things are very important. But, he would really support the best quality of life and that is conception to natural death.”

She then went on to say: How can the dream survive if we murder our children?”

The Real War on Women. Why is it that the left hates women who support traditional values? Indeed, some liberals hate them so much they publicly call for them to be violently raped...and apparently get away with it. Case in point: Huffington Post contributor Pascal Robert did exactly that when he called for the rape of Dana Loesch, conservative activist, radio host, wife and mom. He then included her in a bizarre sexual fantasy which he described far too explicitly. The response from the Huffington Post? You guessed it. Nada.

(Former) Major Hassan Convicted of Workplace Violence. The military justice system has convicted the Army psychiatrist who committed the murderous terrorist attack at Ft. hood four years ago. Of course any serious discussion of terrorism was not permitted in the courtroom since that would contradict the Army's (and the administration's) insistence that the major, jihadist, doctor, victim, mass murderer (pick one) was simply a frustrated government employee who overreacted to the Islamophobia he was forced to endure in the U. S. Army. Today he was sentenced to death, a sentence with which I disagree.

Duck Dynasty Sweeps the Cable Ratings. Okay I'm a closet viewer and fan of this A&E Network show. I just love these guys and their family. Heck, I'd grow a big bushy beard if Dear Diane wouldn't set it on fire.

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