Saturday, November 2, 2013

45 Years

Today, November 2, is our 45th anniversary. Dear Diane and I were married on this day in 1968 in the base chapel at Naval Air Station Pensacola. Since then we have brought four wonderful children into the world, who in turn have blessed us with nine perfect grandchildren. During those 45 years we have moved from one home to another, first to Chula Vista, California, then north to Monterey, across the country to Annapolis, Maryland,  back to California, this time to Bonita, then all the way to Harwich Port on Cape Cod where we lived for 25 years, and finally, ten years ago, to our retirement home in The Villages, Florida. It's been a wonderful adventure, this life together. May it continue for at least a few more years.

Dear Diane sleeps alongside me as I quietly tap away on the iPad. With all the time changes crossing the Atlantic, I've been waking up earlier each morning. Today it was 4:45. It's a bit like switching from daylight savings time to standard time on five or six consecutive days. These changes don't seem to bother Diane so very much though. She is able to sleep through all the resettings of the clocks and only occasionally awakens to ask me the time. I usually have no idea since my iPad, iPhone and watch all display different times. Perhaps they will all magically synchronize by the time we reach Florida.

Once again we have a lovely, calm day at sea. After showering and dressing I moved out to our little balcony to enjoy the sea air. Each day is warmer than the last and even now, at this early time of day, I am comfortable in shorts and polo shirt. This is just about the most relaxing activity (if I may call it that) in which one can engage. I can see why zillionaires own big yachts. It ain't a bad way to spend one's leisure time. Of course, had I such wealth I could never live that way. I feel guilty enough just sitting here undeservedly on my little balcony. 

Time now for an early breakfast. Later I hope to find one of those quiet spots topside where I can read in peace while I bask in the warmth of the Atlantic sun. If not, there's always this wonderful little balcony. 

We have nothing over-the-top special planned for the day. I believe Dear Diane and I decided to keep it low-key and simply relax in each other's presence. Of course, I might well be wrong. Even after 45 years of wedded bliss, I am often very, very wrong.

More later...maybe.

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