Thursday, November 13, 2014

Yorktown: America's Battle

Yesterday the four of us visited Yorktown to see the battlefield.  With the exception of a few skirmishes, Yorktown was really less of a battle and more of a short-term siege. But its happy result was the beginning of the end for the British in the 13 former colonies. Within two years the Treaty of Paris had been signed, the war was officially over, and Great Britain accepted (more or less) the independence of the United States of America.

Above: Nancy and Diane with George W., who seems to be enjoying it.

At first we visited Virginia's Yorktown Victory Center, a well-designed and well-run museum that addresses the Revolutionary period but focuses largely on the climactic American victory at Yorktowm. The period displays of a Continental Army encampment and of a small eighteenth-century family farm were extremely interesting. We were particularly impressed by the docents who described the period's medical practices as well as the weaponry and tactics of the army during the war -- interesting stuff. Of course, I took pictures.

Above: a colonial turkey

Above: a colonial farmhouse, a one-room fixer-upper

Above: a Continental Army encampment

Above: a musket is fired at the enemy

Above: the medical officer's tent

We then drove a mile to the actual Yorktown Battlefield site run by the National Park Service. We sat through an interesting film and then joined the walking tour conducted by a young park ranger from Kentucky named Jenny. What a joy! Jenny not only knows her subject well, but she also presents it with enthusiasm and humor. Her 45 minutes with us was one of the highlights of our stay here in Virginia. She deserves a raise!

Above: Jenny, our tour guide and National Park Ranger

Above: Redoubt #9 -- Scene on the Yorktown battlefield

As you can see, yesterday was another wonderful day. Sadly our friends had to leave us last evening and return to their home in Northern Virginia. We will follow and join them on Friday. But today, Dear Diane and I visited the Jamestown Settlement and also made a return visit to Colonial Williamsburg, something I'll describe in my next post.

Pray for our country, and that honest, courageous leaders will arise from the people and return us to the principles that guided our founding fathers.

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