Monday, May 20, 2019

Deacon Richard Radford, R.I.P.

Losing a friend is never an easy thing, even when that friend leaves suffering behind to enter eternal life. Yesterday we lost such a friend in Deacon Richard Radford, 80. With his wife, Lynne, and his daughter and son at his side, Dick left us after a long battle with heart disease and COPD. 

Diane and I are blessed that we were able to spend a short visit with him this past Friday at The Villages Hospital here in Florida. Early Sunday morning we left on a trip to visit family in Massachusetts and were told of his death this morning. We're in South Carolina today, visiting another old friend. Tomorrow morning we set out again on the next leg of our trip north. And through it all we will be thinking of Dick and praying for his soul and the peace of his family.
Dick and Lynne Radford

Dick was a remarkable man. Strong in faith and filled with the Holy Spirit, his acceptance of life's trials and suffering was an example to all. In recent months, as his health deteriorated, he would joke with me about his situation while happily demonstrating the technological wonders of his motorized medical scooter. Never grumpy, always cheerful, at least with me, he would send me off joyful and prayerful. Despite his illness he insisted on taking part as a deacon during some of the Triduum Liturgies last month, asking only that I find a place for him with his brother deacons. 

A man with a deep prayer life, Dick took St. Paul's invitation -- "Pray without ceasing" -- literally.  Indeed, he and I spoke often of prayer and he taught me much about opening every aspect of my life to the working of the Holy Spirit. His example obviously had its effect on many others who knew and loved him. As one of his friends once said to me, "Dick's golf game was a kind of spiritual experience for me. He was so good I spent most of the round praying." 

Richard, brother deacon and friend, we will miss you greatly but look forward to being with you again in the Kingdom. Rest in the Peace of our loving and merciful God.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, Deacon Dana. I miss my dad.
