Monday, December 9, 2019

Abortion or Nativity?

On the news this morning I read a story of the Claremont United Methodist Church (California) and its outdoor nativity scene. As you can see in the below photo, the scene depicts Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus locked in cages. 

Apparently the scene symbolizes the separation and "caging" of families that have been appprehended while crossing our borders. (Story here)

My first thought? How fortunate that the baby Jesus was still in that cage since the United Methodist Church has officially and publicly supported abortion for decades. Given the church's history, had they been around 2,000 years ago, one can only assume they would have encouraged Mary to abort her Child. After all, Mary conceived Jesus before marriage, she and Joseph were poor, and to bring their Child into a world ruled by the imperialistic Roman Empire would be the very height of selfishness. And, as dear Diane reminded me, poor Mary and Joseph had to make that long trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem to comply with the Roman census. It would have been much more convenient to travel without worrying about pregnancy and childbirth.

How fortunate for us that Mary and Joseph listened instead to the Word of God.

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