Sunday, September 12, 2021

Protecting Whom?

Our president is seemingly focused on getting everybody in the United States vaccinated against the COVID virus, an impossible and actually needless goal. It’s needless because so many Americans are now protected by a natural immunity which offers stronger protection than the vaccine. But if universal vaccination is really his administration’s aim, why on earth would he say what he said on September 10:

“We are going to protect the vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.”

What? This wasn’t just another of our president’s weird gaffes, another slip of the tongue, because he also tweeted these same words.

Uh, Mr. President, vaccinated workers are already protected; that’s why they got the shots. How does this comment possibly encourage the unvaccinated to do the same? It would seem to do exactly the opposite by telling the nation that vaccination offers no protection. But if we actually “follow the science,” we know the vaccines work. In other words, it’s the vaccine the vaccinated have already received that protects them from the unvaccinated. 

Those who resists vaccination, with the exception of those whose doctors advise against it for solid medical reasons and those who have natural immunity because they’ve already survived COVID, should get vaccinated. But their failure to do so does not threaten me and others who have been vaccinated. If the unvaccinated get the shots, that’s great for them, but it has absolutely no effect on me. When it comes to my health, I don’t worry about the unvaccinated. The only health about which I am concerned is theirs.

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