Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rittenhouse Acquittal

If you read, watch, or listen to the mainstream media you will realize that none of their commentators, editorialists, reporters, anchors, or legal experts actually watched the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. If you, on the other hand, took the time to follow the trial, you’ll likely conclude the jury delivered a just verdict. I’ve rarely seen a more obvious case of self-defense and for that we can thank the actual witnesses and the many videos taken that evening in Kenosha. Of course, the prosecution’s extraordinary blend of incompetence and malfeasance didn’t help their case.

The most remarkable aspect of the case, however, involved the media’s blatant lies regarding the defendant and his actions. Perhaps the most amazing example came from the UK’s leading on-line news source, The Independent. Even after the verdict, after all the evidence had been presented at trial, The Independent declared that Kyle Rittenhouse “shot three black men with rifle.” Of course it’s purpose in printing this lie was to create division along racial lines by ignoring the truth that all three men shot that night were white, not black. Here’s a clip from The Independent’s “story”:

Even much of the American media, through their distorted reporting and commentary, encouraged the depiction of Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist intent on killing blacks. Unstated, of course, was the truth about the three men from whom Rittenhouse had to defend himself. These men were not victims, but were in fact all criminals. Their criminal pasts do not mean they deserved to be shot. No, it was their actions that evening that led to their sad fates. Who were these three men? 

Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was a registered sex offender, a convicted pedophile who sexually molested and raped many young boys. He had an open case for bail-jumping and another open misdemeanor case for battery and disorderly conduct (both, domestic abuse). He was the man who chased Kyle Rittenhouse through the streets of Kenosha. Anthony Huber, 26, had several disorderly conduct convictions as a domestic abuse repeater for strangulation, suffocation, and use of a dangerous weapon. He also had a forfeiture case as a result of drug abuse. He was the man who bludgeoned Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard and attempted to take his rifle. Gaige Grosskreutz, 28, had a range of felony convictions, including strangulation battery against his grandmother, burglary, and use of a firearm while intoxicated. As a convicted felon, he was illegally armed with a handgun which he pointed at the head of Kyle Rittenhouse, when he was shot and wounded. Note that all three were white, all convicted criminals. 

These were the men killed and wounded that evening by Kyle Rittenhouse. They were violent men, and like many of the rioters in Kenosha, were determined to burn down the city’s businesses and hurt any citizens who resisted them. These were the people who told Kyle Rittenhouse they intended to kill him. Kenosha was just an example of what BLM and Antifa hoped to accomplish across the entire nation. In this, they were encouraged by the mainstream media and many of our politicians. Even presidential candidate Joe Biden, long before the trial, before any evidence was known, had labeled Kyle Rittenhouse a “white supremacist.” That was, of course, a lie. 

Well, guess what? The nation won yesterday. A jury of Kyle Rittenhouse’s peers defied the hostility and threats of the mob, the media, and the self-serving politicians. God bless them and God bless America!

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