Thursday, July 7, 2022

Pols and Celebs

I’m always amazed, although I suppose I shouldn’t be, when politicians and celebrities say absolutely stupid things. Both of these groups of self-proclaimed elites experienced a collective meltdown over the U. S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. WadeThe court ruled that the Constitution does not include a right to abortion and consequently returned abortion laws to state legislatures. I've decided to share a few of these luminaries’ openly expressed thoughts relating to abortion and other issues. Even though I certainly could add extensive comments to each of these quotes, I will resist and, other than some brief introductory words, let these folks speak for themselves. Here goes…

Vice President Kamala Harris explains why abortion rights are fundamentally American:
"Don't hear, 'It can't be done.' Don't hear, 'Nobody like you has done this before.' I like to say, 'I eat no for breakfast.'...What essentially has happened is the statement has been made that the government has a right to come in your home and tell you, as a woman and as a family, what you should do with your body...We have to recognize we're a nation that was founded on certain principles that are -- that are grounded in the concept of freedom and liberty."

And our Vice President is also a lawyer?

Then there’s the always edgy Bette Midler, who was obviously upset about the Supreme Court’s recent decisions. She tweeted a meme purporting to be a photo of the enrobed wife of Justice Clarence Thomas as if Ginni Thomas were hiding behind a mask of the Justice. Ah, yes, she, the white wife, must obviously be the real power behind the Uncle Tom throne. Racist? You can decide:

An English pop star, Lily Allen, who apparently just had an abortion, explained in rather vulgar language why the vast majority of women choose abortion. I will try to cleverly disguise her most explicit language:
"I wish people would stop posting examples of exceptional reasons for having abortions [Note: by this, Ms. Allen meant rape, incest, etc.].  Most people I know, myself included, just didn't want to have a f***ing baby. And that is reason enough! We don't have to justify it. It shouldn't have to be said, and I think examples just play into the hands of the baddies."
From the White House we hear from Brian Deese, the National Economic Council Director, as he explains that the public will just have to grin and bear it when it comes to higher prices for fuel and food. The government, you see, has more important long-term concerns than the common financial concerns of struggling citizens. In the Director’s words:
"What you heard from the president today was about the stakes. This is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm."
Ah, yes, the “liberal world order” which no leftist dares define publicly for fear the peasants would rise up armed with torches and pitchforks -- of course those are about the only weapons the Biden administration would want civilians to possess. I suspect Director Deese regrets his slip of the tongue, a rare instance in which someone in the Biden White House actually spoke the truth.

Another potty-mouth politician, the lovely Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago, has decided that we must clean up our public discourse and generate more Kumbaya moments that will bring us all together. In a news conference on Monday, following the tragic shootings in Highland Park, Illinois, the mayor said:
"What it feels like is happening in this moment in our democracy is people are losing respect for the institutions of our democracy...The toxicity in our public discourse is a thing I think we should all be concerned about...We have got to focus on what brings us together and not what tears us apart, and we've got to get back to respect for each other and respect for community. And that's the thing, I think, that concerns me the most over the arc of the last two years."
Respect for our institutions, for each other, for community, getting rid of toxicity, bringing us absolutely wonderful!

Of course, in May this same mayor urged a "call to arms" to attack those who don't accept her woke creed. Perhaps the hundreds of murders in Chicago are just part of this armed ongoing war against whatever. And just last week, unhappy with Justice Clarence Thomas, the detoxified mayor of Chicago publicly screamed, "F*** Clarence Thomas" at a rally. Later she attacked those who objected to her language, and added, without apology, "I said what I said." Yes, indeed, a lovely woman, and quite the lady.

I am particularly distressed by this final example because it relates to the United States Navy. As a retired Navy Captain I wore the uniform for 30 years and truly enjoyed a wondrous career as a Regular Navy and Naval Reserve officer. As a military organization, a fighting force, the Navy always focused on its ability to defend the country while not sweating the political correctness that infects many other elements of our society. In other words, the Navy was never very “woke” — at least until now. Captain Dave Hecht is a public affairs officer who works for the Chief of Naval Personnel. In an email to the American Military News, Hecht was all aflutter about the possibility that Navy personnel might use inappropriate pronouns. The Navy, after instituting its new policies, will have to punish violators. Here’s just a little of what Hecht had to say:

“Intentional misuse of transgender service member pronouns is inappropriate and inconsistent with the Navy zero tolerance policy on harassment…Violations of regulation or law, to include failure to comply with the UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice], may be punishable by administrative or judicial action…[The Navy] appreciates that pronouns are a part of individual identity.” Hecht went on to say that both civilian and uniformed Navy members are expected to use appropriate rank or title, pronounce names correctly, and use “an individual’s pronouns consistent with their gender marker in DEERS or as reflected in an exception to policy (ETP) for that individual.” [DEERS is a personnel database containing information on active-duty, reserve, and retired service members and their families.] Captain Hecht went on for quite some time, even waxing eloquently about a training video that teaches Navy personnel on the proper use of gender pronouns and inclusive language.

Your tax dollars at work, folks. Don't you just love the idea of putting our nation's defense, and our lives, in the capable hands of people concerned about what pronoun others use when speaking to them?

God help our country.

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